How to Stage Your Calgary Home This Spring

Tips for Staging Your Home For Spring

[fusion_text]When getting ready to sell your Calgary home or property in the spring, there are several things you can do to prepare yourself. Having a list is the best way to get started, as if you don’t organise your home’s staging, you could end up very disorganised, frustrated, or end up giving up altogether. Therefore, you want to have the best chance possible to sell your home, so having a plan is important. Follow our home staging tips to prepare your Calgary home for sale this spring!


1-First of all, get a notebook. This is where you will plan your strategy for preparing the staging of your home or property for sale.

2-Get 3 different coloured Post It notes. These will be used for labelling what your are going to do with the various items in your home.

3-Get moving boxes, tape, markers and garbage bags.


Staging your home involves a strategic plan. Nothing when staging your Calgary home should be overlooked. The items we use in home staging are with the intent of having items throughout our home that are there to help, not hinder the sale.

So Let’s Get Started!

1-Take your first Post It note, and place notes of the same colour on everything that you do not need for the sale. This includes excess knick-knacks, paperwork, old magazines, things pilling up on the floor, counters or elsewhere. If an item does not contribute to the sale, now is the time to pack it into those moving boxes, and label it for your upcoming move.

2-Place Post It notes around the home where you need repairs. Put a note on the wall where any painting needs updating, especially baseboards and corners. No one wants to buy another person’s ‘honey-do’ list! Check on wear and tear around the home, and remedy this. The home needs to look in excellent condition, no sloppiness.

3-Give the home a thorough spring clean, or better yet, hire a cleaner and have the carpets professionally shampooed. Clean your oven, your fridge and your windows. Pull any old weeds out, trim your yard up and put away anything in the yard that is not needed for the sale. Rake up old leaves and check if you need any new mulch in the flower beds.


Now is the time to get a home stager in to help you plan your furniture arrangements, and establish what other things you may need for your sale, be it furniture, accessories or linens. Your home stager can also help you with your curb appeal and you may need paint finishes addressing too! Your home stager should be highly qualified, be trained in interior design, never use budget furniture, and should charge a fair price. Beware the budget stagers! In conclusion, staging your home need not be difficult; you just need to start with a plan! When you break up you home’s staging into different steps, this helps keep your staging more organised, resulting in your home being turn-key ready when you are done!

We are always here to help Calgarians with organising their home’s sale. Call Homes Sold Beautifully Calgary Home Stagers for your home staging consultation or home staging needs. We are the highly qualified, highly rated, multi award winning home stagers and interior designers, covering the Calgary, Airdrie and Cochrane areas. We only use beautiful staging and high standards! Call us today at 403-926-4603.

Happy Selling!

Monique Shaw, Certified Staging Professional
Lead Designer,
Homes Sold Beautifully, Calgary Home Stagers

M Shaw: